4 big asteroids from space size upto 200 foot coming towards earth today nasa latest asteroid updates


Asteroids are constantly circling in space. But they revolve around the Sun, not the planets. However, they are said to be made of the same material from which planets are made. That’s why they are also called asteroids. Are. Scientists keep tracking them continuously. Along with this, the American Space Agency is also studying asteroids. For the past several days, asteroids have been passing very close to the Earth. Now NASA has issued an alert about 4 asteroids one after the other. Let’s know, is there really any big danger coming towards the earth?

NASA Did Jet Propulsion Laboratory According to, Asteroid 2023 OA (Asteroid 2023 OA) is going to pass close to the Earth today. Its size is about 60 feet. It is a piece of rock the size of a large house. It will pass close to the Earth at a distance of 23 lakh 60 thousand kilometers. Along with this, another Asteroid 2023 NE1 (Asteroid 2023 NE1) is also moving towards the Earth, which will be at the closest point to the Earth on 19 July.

The size of Asteroid 2023 NE1 has been said to be 190 feet, which means that it is a piece up to 200 feet which is going to pass very close to the Earth. It is as big as an aeroplane. When it will be closest to the Earth, the distance between it and the Earth will be 48 lakh 80 thousand kilometers. Its speed has been told as 20345 kilometers per hour.

Another huge rock of 44 feet is coming towards the earth. Its name is 2020 OM. Asteroid 2020 OM It is going to pass close to the earth in the next 24 hours. Its distance is said to be 3,240,000 km. It is of the size of a big house. simultaneously Asteroid 2022 GX2 are also facing towards the earth. It is continuously moving towards the earth. Its size is 15 feet. It is very small in size. Its distance from the earth is said to be 4,580,000 km. All these 4 asteroids are moving towards the earth together. So is there going to be a catastrophe on earth?

It is not necessary for an asteroid to collide with the earth. The chances of this are very less. Staying in his class Sun Let’s revolve around. But the intersection of two orbits is not considered free from danger. Asteroids can change their direction. However, NASA has not released information about any of these four asteroids hitting the earth. But they are being monitored.

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