in the journal Nature publish It has been told in the information that the waves coming towards the earth are somewhat similar to the radio blasts coming out of the pulsar. Pulsar There is a type of neutron star. Neutron stars are formed when a main-category star compresses due to its size and mass. It then collapses in a supernova explosion, due to which pulsar stars are formed.
The radio waves that scientists have detected come from a few milliseconds to a few seconds. But these waves come from pulsar only, researchers are not sure about this. Scientists have named the discovered object as GPMJ1839-10. If it is indeed a pulsar, then its way of working is such that scientists have been considering it impossible.
It could also be a white dwarf star or a magnetar. Although researchers believe that such stars do not send such explosions. Researchers have found that such waves are coming on the earth since 1988. This was overlooked by the data collectors. Regarding this research, Physics Professor of McGill University, M Kaspi says that only time will tell what is hidden in these figures. There may be more such discoveries in the future.
Are these waves coming from another world? Such questions can also be raised in the days to come. It is possible that scientists who believe in aliens will say something on this.