NASA Posted this photo on his social media handle. in which saturn Can be seen up close. Its rings are looking very beautiful. The Cassini spacecraft zoomed in and captured it on camera. It is studying the atmosphere, magnetosphere, moons, and its rings of this gaseous planet. While sharing the photo, NASA has also given some information in the form of caption along with it. NASA has written, ‘The tilt seen in the photo is visible from Cassini’s eyes, Saturn is also slightly tilted like Earth. The seasons on this planet are as long as seven years of the earth.
Explaining further, NASA said, ‘Huygens Lander in collaboration with @AgenziaSpazialeItaliana and @EuropeanSpaceAgency cassini History was made when the farthest man-made object in the Solar System was landed on Saturn’s moon Titan in 2005. Cassini and Huygens have revealed a lot about this stormy gas giant, it has many moons, and Titan is the most suitable place in this solar system to search for life.
The photo is amazing. In the photo, the rings of Saturn are visible at an angle. This angle is made such that the rings look like a straight line. Its moon Mimas is visible below it. It is visible as a point. Saturn looks millions of times bigger in size than this. This beautiful photo has got more than 9 lakh 76 thousand likes so far. Users are praising its beauty fiercely.