Suddenly the sound from the engine started coming in the rain? Don’t panic! Follow this method and the problem will be solved in 2 minutes



During rains the rubber of the belt gets dried by the water.
At the same time, noise can also come from the bearings on starting.
This sound can be cured with the help of oil.

New Delhi. Heavy rains are continuing across the country. Especially in the northern part of the country, the rains have also caused a lot of destruction. The effect of rain is also on those daily works which we used to do without thinking anything. One such task is driving, which has become troublesome as well as dangerous during the rainy season. Along with this, many times in this rainy season, some such defects also come in the car which start troubling us. Not only do they scare us, but our time is also wasted in getting them fixed. However, there are some defects which we can fix by pinching and for that we just need to know a few things.

One such defect is a loud screeching sound from the engine when the car is started in this weather. Most people get nervous when this sound comes and stop the car and call the mechanic. But it is important that we understand what is the reason behind this voice and where it is coming from. Also, how can they be easily fixed.

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Why does this sound come
Actually this sound does not come from the engine but from the belt. This sound comes from the rubber belt that operates the engine, water pump, fan, alternator and AC. Actually, due to the application of water, the rubber of the belt becomes hard, as well as the lubrication ends after the application of water on the bearings. Due to this, there is a sound on starting the car, in the beginning this sound remains for some time but it increases with time.

how can fix
The easy way to fix this is to put some oil in the belt bearings. If you do not have car grade oil, you can also use Mobil oil for this. Fill this oil in a flask and put only two drops on each bearing attached to the belt. After this start the car and let it start till the sound stops. After this turn off the car and start it again, this sound will stop now. However, if the sound keeps coming again and again, get the car checked by a mechanic. Because the reason for the non-stopping of the sound can also be the deterioration of the bearings or the belt being too old.

Tags: Auto News, Bike News


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